PAPAGP's 7th Annual Recital
September 22, 2018
For its 7th Annual Recital, the Philippine-American Performing Arts of Greater Pittsburgh (PAPAGP) dance troupe presented a show titled "Halo-Halo” on September 22, 2018 at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater.
Halo-halo literally means "mix-mix" or a hodgepodge. It is the name of a popular Filipino dessert, consisting of layers of sweetened fruits, jelly and beans over shaved ice, topped with evaporated milk and ice cream.
Just like the colorful dessert, the recital showcased how different elements can come together to enhance the Filipino traditional folk dances, presenting these folk dances in a totally different light. The repertoire included more than a dozen traditional folk dances, including the famous Tinikling pole-jumping dance. As a shift from the usual, Halo-Halo also included choreography modernizing five of these dances with contemporary moves and street-dancing styles.
The recital featured the PAPAGP dance troupe, comprised of about 40 members who range in age from 7 to 25. Musicians and singers will also take part. Traditional Filipino baked goods and crafts were also sold in the lobby.
The development of Halo-Halo is supported in part through a residency at Kelly-Strayhorn Theater’s Alloy Studios.

HALO-HALO Recital: 2018

HALO-HALO: Paypay de Manila (180922)

HALO-HALO: Sarong Banggi (180922)

HALO-HALO: Modern Maria Clara (180922)

HALO-HALO: Subli (180922)

HALO-HALO: Modern Subli (180922)

HALO-HALO: Janggay (180922)

HALO-HALO: Modern Janggay (180922)